Archive | August 2014

Weekly Challenge #181: “Water”

This week’s Diva’s challenge is to us the theme of  “Water”. I started out with making rolling waves, and then expanded it with ripples of a sort. The last part was totally unplanned, but I just followed the flow. The tile reminds me of both the power and the peacefulness of water.


Weekly Challenge #180: “UMT – MacDee by Anneke Van Dam”

Enjoying time with the grandkids, but it’s been busy, so I’m combining the Diva’s challenge to use MacDee by Anneke Van Dam; and Square One: Purely Zentangle’s “One” for this week: Twing, an official Z  tangle. If you enjoy the Diva’s challenge, make sure you check out “Square One: Purely Zentangle” on Facebook. It’s back to the basics of Zentangle: 3.5″ square tiles in black and white. There is a lot of great work being posted!
