Archive | July 2014

Weekly Challenge #178: “Duotangle by the Letter!”

Laura picked a duotangle for this week’s Diva Challenge. We needed to pick two tangles that started with our initials. So, my first challenge was to find tangles that started with K and B that I thought would work well together. I finally decided on Bunzo, and Kuke. After I started, I wasn’t quite sure that they were playing nice together, but I persisted and after shading this was the outcome with Kuke floating up and away!


Weekly Challenge 177: “Truffle by Caroline Broady, CZT”

Caroline Broady, one of our youngest CZTs, is filling in this week for Laura. Caroline presented us with her beautiful tangle Truffle to use in this week’s challenge. I had no idea what I was going to do when I started my tile, but once the pen was on the page, it developed into something that made me smile . I really enjoyed this challenge, thanks Caroline!!




Weekly Challenge #176: “B.Y.O.B”

This week’s Challenge is offered up by CZT Amy Broady, who is filling in for Laura. It’s to use your favorite beverage in some way in a tile. I’m one of those strange people who don’t drink coffee or tea, most of what I drink is water. Spilling water on a tile wasn’t going to leave much of a mark. So I used watercolor to make a watery background. Now what was I going to do with it? Then it came to me, an ocean theme! The color is showing up lighter than it actually is. Thanks for the challenge Amy!

Diva Challenge

Weekly Challenge #175: “UMT – Crux by Henrike Bratz”

If you read through Laura’s blog (not just looked at the pictures) you’ll know why I had tears in my eyes as she described her first day at Seminar 15. These were tears from laughing so hard, especially at the alarm incident!  I can’t wait to read her next post about day two!!      Laura’s challenge this week is to use Henrike Bratz’s tangle Crux. Since it has similarities to Bales. I jumped right in and began it the same way I start Bales…Wrong! That’s not how the steps go, and of course I had already drawn an up and down grid. Not wanting to throw my tile away, I continued on and decided to present it here ‘on point’. I used 4 variations of Crux. I liked it, but they were small and didn’t do much to showcase Crux. I decided to do a second tile (following the steps this time), and give Crux a little more room to spread out.

