
Easter Fun

Spent Easter in Pennsylvania at my daughter’s home, along with my other two daughters. It was a full house, 7 adults and 8 kids.  We enjoyed a great dinner, and my daughter planned 3 Easter egg hunts, one for the younger kids, one for the teens and tweens, and surprise…one for the adults. I think her neighbors thought we were a little crazy running around like kids, but oh it was fun! I just wish my sons could have joined us. Steve had to work early Monday morning so couldn’t travel. Dan and his family live in Alabama so it was just too far to come. We missed having them there.  The picture is of my grandaughter on our way to Pennsylvania. Being up extra early for church caught up with her!


Time to Relax

Mom and Dad arrived back home this afternoon bearing gifts of chocolate, gourmet cheese and a hanging planter of pansies for the babysitter :) and rock candy for the kids. It’s been fun, but now I can just relax. Managed to finish one tangle after the kids were in bed last night.

Too busy to tangle!

Caring for my daughter’s 4 chilldren for 3 days so she and her husband can have a much needed getaway. Getting everyone up, ready and out the door this morning was accomplished without too much of a hassle. Two to get on the school bus, drop one off at nursery school and leaving soon to pick her back up and drop her brother off at preK. Definitely no time to tangle!

Welcome to My World

Okay, I’m new at this, so bear with me. I’ve decided it might be fun to blog so that I can share and record what I’m doing with Zentangle (see if you want to know more) and also share my travel adventures, and anything else I happen to find interesting.  So, welcome to my world.